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Hawkins Tag Team Match

  • Cheyenne Mountain Shooting Complex 7790 Route 1 Ft. Carson United States (map)

Cheyenne Mountain Shooting Complex
7790 Route 1
Ft Carson, CO 80913

It's Team Match time. One Bolt Gun. One Gas Gun. Pistol stages for each shooter. Minimum pistol caliber is 9mm. Who's the best team in the land?

77 RNDS Bolt | 132 RNDS Gas | 35 RNDS Pistol
View the Course of Fire

Fee - $40.00 per shooter
Register - Opens June 1
7:45 am Safety Brief / 8-9 - Zero / 9:00 shooting starts

Small to Medium Rifle cartridges. 3,200FPS speed limit. Same restrictions apply to both bolt and carbine. Carbine must be a semi auto.

Round Count: +/- 80 bolt gun, 120 carbine, 30 pistol.

Register as a team. Each team will make up a squad in registration.

No tracer or steel core ammo allowed.

No handling of Firearms unless on firing line or moving to and from the firing line.

Magazine out and bolt back while handling rifles on the line.

Bolts open and finger off trigger when negotiating barricades, or any obstacle.

Later Event: November 11
2023 Train-Up & Meet and Greet